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Improve Your Day With These 7 Tiny Habits

Written by First Stop Health Coaches | Jul 16, 2024 7:44:25 PM

Incorporating a single one-minute activity into your day when stressed will give your brain a chance to relax, decrease your stress level and may even allow space enough for creative thoughts to enter.


Choose one habit to try throughout your day. Notice which ones are most appealing and relaxing that you can easily incorporate into your average week.


Make a note of any differences that occur, shifts in perspective, etc. Begin either seated with spine straight and feet on the floor, standing or walking.


Take three slow inhales and exhales, then:

  • Engage all 5 senses. Notice your surroundings: what you see, smell, hear, taste, touch. Focus on one sense at a time for 20 seconds each, as if you have never noticed that object or person before. Be curious and come up with as many nuances as you can.
  • Listen to a favorite song and dance (with no one watching...go all out!).
  • Give yourself a “Butterfly Hug.” Cross your hands above chest and pat or tap lightly under your collar bones.
  • Run in place for 60-90 seconds.
  • Place right hand on left thigh, left on right and tap alternately.
  • Rub your index finger and thumb together, noticing what that feeling is like.
  • If walking, standing, or sitting: notice all ten toes, wiggle them and notice how your feet feel. How far up your leg do you notice any feelings that are connected to the movement in your toes?

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