Chocolate lovers, take heart.

September 20, 2024

First Stop Health Coaches



‍Why is this blog-worthy?

About 45% of women in the U.S. report that they have chocolate cravings, with an 91% of female college students reporting regular cravings for it. Research shows that many women feel guilty when eating it, or they fight the urge to eat it at all. All that to say, it’s worth considering how you feel about chocolate and considering if there is room for improvement in your relationship.

A key to reversing the negative effects of cravings is to stop making chocolate off-limits. Instead, work on how you think about it and how you eat it. Avoid guilt-inducing vocabulary like cheat food or implying that you’re “bad” for eating chocolate (or any food!). A saying in dietetics is that the only bad food is rotten, stolen food, or one that you have an allergy to if you’re an otherwise healthy individual.

Having a healthy relationship with all foods is important for your mental and physical health. But creating a balanced relationship with dark chocolate, in particular, may have a positive impact on your health.

Research indicates that the higher the cocoa content, the more beneficial flavonols the chocolate contains. Most of the benefits seen in research are associated with chocolate that has at least 70% cacao content. And with a focus on heart health this month, having a healthy relationship with dark chocolate is a fun focus. Why? Antioxidants in dark chocolate lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of clotting and increase blood circulation to the heart. This lowers the risks of stroke, coronary heart disease and death from heart disease.


So what can you do? 

First, be mindful when you’re eating chocolate. Don’t sit down to a big bowl of candy and multitask while working or watching TV. Instead, savor and enjoy a portion, like 1 oz of dark chocolate when a sweet craving strikes, and limit the multitasking. Eat a sweet treat or a dessert after a meal instead of when they are ravenous for a meal or snack, as it is easier to overeat in that scenario. If you’ve been eating well and with the right balance, savoring a piece of chocolate can be enough to stop a craving.

Feeling like you’re out of control around chocolate? Our registered dietitians are eager to help increase your confidence and enjoyment around chocolate (and other sweets!). You might be surprised at how such a small focus could have a big impact on your mental and physical health.




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Originally published Sep 20, 2024 2:22:33 PM.