Easy ways to measure progress.

September 24, 2024

First Stop Health Coaches

Measuring progress can be highly motivational. But sometimes, it can be difficult. Follow these simple tips from the experts to measure progress.


Start the Streak

Have you ever heard the saying, “We are what we repeatedly do”? There’s a reason for that. Consistency builds momentum, and momentum creates habits. There are apps that will track days of exercise, healthy eating, not smoking and more. Whether you go old-school with pen and paper or download an app on your smartphone, consistency leads to results in body, mind and spirit.


Mood Journaling

Some goals are difficult to measure. Spending quality time with family, reducing stress or discovering gratitude, for instance, doesn’t fit well into a chart or spreadsheet. But you still know whether or not you achieved it by how you feel.

A journal can be an effective way to track your progress, especially if you enjoy the social elements of healthy living. Some journals come ready for this purpose, with mood icons to circle and prompts to inspire. But you can also use a simple notebook to reflect on the day about how satisfied you feel with your level of effort towards what you’ve decided is important to pay attention to.


Notice the Little Things

Notice when you can make it up a flight of stairs without getting winded, or when ordering the veggies instead of fries becomes second nature. Notice when you haven’t had a craving for dessert, and when you finish a workout and feel energized instead of wiped out. These little things say so much more about your fitness and health than any result from a scale, and they last longer, too. Your health is a big picture made up of a lot of little choices, victories, and changes. We’re here to help you see them and celebrate with you.



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Originally published Sep 24, 2024 8:02:51 PM.