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Five minutes to a healthier heart.

Written by First Stop Health Coaches | Sep 19, 2024 6:48:10 PM

Got five minutes? Then you have time to focus on a healthier heart. Whether you’re between rapid-fire Zoom calls or trying to slow down the pace of your day, it can be easier than you think to take care of your heart. And, since your heart is connected to just about everything your body does, that’s a pretty good deal.

Here are five quick things you can do to give yourself some TLC as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Add some weight
Pick up some dumbbells or a resistance band and do some strength training! Weight training can help lower high blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and help control blood sugar levels. It can be done in small increments throughout the day. Increasing lean muscle tissue and decreasing fat tissue in the body may also help boost your metabolism. This can help you maintain a healthy weight, which is great for your heart. (Ask your First Stop Health coach for exercises you can do at your desk!)
Sneak in a burst of activity

Ideally, daily, regular exercise will support your heart health throughout the week. But if you just have a few minutes here and there, get moving. Set a timer for each hour and get up to move for five minutes for every 60 minutes you spend sitting. For more benefits, keep going! Your heart benefits from short bursts of activity, such as 10 to 15 minutes at a stretch. You should aim for accumulating 150 minutes a week.


Get to bed a bit earlier
You may not think that five minutes of sleep would make much of a difference, but it does! Gradually moving your bedtime earlier can yield big results over time. Without enough sleep, your risk for heart disease and heart attack goes up, even if you are otherwise healthy.
Schedule a check up
Are you due for a checkup? Schedule a doctor’s appointment and a health coaching session today for a quick look at how you’re doing. It’s time well spent!

Even five minutes of mindful meditation can help to slow your resting heart rate, lower your blood pressure, decrease pain, ease depression and improve mental clarity. Resist the temptation to jump on social media during breaks and get some Zen time instead.



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