In our busy world, in which we have ever increasing work and life demands and are continually juggling work, home, and family responsibilities, it’s important for us to be able to manage our stress. While stress is a normal part of life, over time, high levels of stress can have negative effects on the body and lead to serious health problems.
Thus, it’s important to practice relaxation techniques to maintain and improve health and well-being. One relaxation technique that helps to manage stress is mindfulness meditation.
Mindfulness meditation is a formal mindfulness practice of sustaining attention on the body and breath, while having a non-judgmental awareness of sensations of thoughts, feelings and emotions. During Mindfulness Meditation, we focus our attention on just “being” in the present moment, without trying to fix or change anything. No judgment, just awareness.
Practice this exercise many times throughout the day to help calm and focus your mind and bring it to the present. This is a great exercise to do if you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed out OR if you just need to take a brain break.
Over time, you can gradually extend the duration of this exercise into longer periods. Though, even for one minute, this exercise will allow you to pause and bring you back to the present moment.
Keep in mind, you can’t fail at this exercise. You can only experience it!
USCD Center for Mindfulness free guided meditations including Awareness of Breathing and Body Scan practices:
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center free guided meditations including Awareness of Breathing and Body Scan practices:
University of Virginia Mindfulness Center free guided practices: