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Tips from a health coach to help you overcome obstacles.

Written by First Stop Health Coaches | Sep 24, 2024 8:05:40 PM

Obstacles in life are meant to be hurdled over, dug under or navigated around in some way. With these expert personal training tips, you can overcome any obstacle.

In a recent survey, participants were asked about fitting in 30 minutes of regular exercise five or more times a week as recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine. Approximately 90 in 130 people reported that they struggle most with the obstacle of time. The second most common obstacle is accountability. This recommendation for at least 150 minutes a week of physical activity serves as a general rule for healthy adults desiring to maintain their weight. So, this can mean that your personal recommendation to achieve fat loss or muscle gain may differ. Don’t fret though! Your goals can be accomplished because obstacles are not roadblocks!

Here are a few quick personal training tips that’ll help you hurdle your way over some of your biggest obstacles.


One of the top things about the time obstacle is the lack of planning. Since schedules often change week to week, it’s helpful to write your activity action plan for the week at the beginning of your week so you know what days you’ll exercise and when (morning, lunch, evening, or even during your day).

If you see your week is especially difficult, have a plan B. For example, if your goal is to hit the gym three mornings before work for 30 minutes, then plan that you’ll take 30 minutes at lunch for exercise or 15 minutes mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Sometimes you just have to fit it in when you can. And remember, a little bit is better than nothing!



Another issue we hear a lot is lack of support, and sometimes, that’ll take some work to overcome. If you need support from your partner, then communicate the days and times you want to exercise together. Or ask your partner to take care of the kids while you get in your workout.

Maybe you need support from your coworkers. This is where you can work together! For example, if you have five people in your department, get creative. Create a schedule that allows each of you to take an exercise break while another coworker covers the workload and vice versa. Everyone’s schedules and lifestyles are different. But with some willingness to help one another out, getting in your exercise is doable.



Don’t confuse support with accountability. If you struggle to get to the gym or don’t have someone to exercise with, this is a great opportunity to join an exercise group. Whether it’s a group of coworkers that get together before work at a nearby gym or perhaps, a group of coworkers who walk after work. Either way works! You can also meet new people by attending a fitness class or even tagging and challenging friends in an activity using your fitness tracker or social media.



The number one thing way to overcome these obstacles is through prioritization. When we assess our priorities in life, our actions begin to align with what our hearts and souls desire most. This is an opportunity to connect with what you want out of life around regular exercise. And as a result, turn into a mantra to live by.



How First Stop Health coaches can help you!

First Stop Health coaches are here to help you reach your health goals, including for exercise! Let your health coach know if you need support around goal setting or share feedback from your own experiences with digestive walks! Schedule a visit with a First Stop Health coach to get started! 



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