The ego mind: Recognizing when ego speaks.

September 20, 2024

First Stop Health Coaches

Is the ego the mind?

Actually, the ego is a part of your mind. It is the part of the mind that says “I,” which is most popularly wrapped into a negative belief of self-importance. It is the part of the mind that sticks with beliefs, personality traits and habits. Ego is an internal voice. But it acts externally as a way of protection, admiration, manipulation and more in the world we live in. Though this unconscious part of you is separate from the inner critic, it may fan the same flame. 

Our goal is not to throw around technical psychological terms and metaphysical theories of ego. It is to introduce you to ideas and tools so that you may become aware of how your ego lives within and outside of you. Keep in mind that the ego serves a purpose. Your awareness of what it is trying to teach is of great value. 



‍Let's start here. 

First, recall a time when your ego was clear. It can be a small scenario or a big one. It could be in an argument with your spouse, a lecture at work or playing games with friends.

Second, ask yourself why is my ego speaking? What is it saying? Who is it talking to?

Next, ask what is happening outside of me as a response to my ego talking, i.e. how do others and the world around me react or respond? What is happening within me when my ego speaks? What feelings and beliefs are bubbling up?

Finally, ask what is the root of the matter? Why does my ego speak for me?

Take a final pause to recall any other times you can now see that ego was living outwardly, and thus, inwardly. Feel free to review the above questions as an observer of self. What patterns are you noticing? With what frequency? Are you experiencing a root cause belief of lack, safety, lovability or likability, fear, etc.? 

No one is immune to the ego mind. It is a part of you, not separate from you. However, awareness empowers you to change. So, how will you change today?




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Originally published Sep 20, 2024 2:15:45 PM.