Pioneering virtual primary care solutions offer urgent sick visits, scheduled chronic condition visits, preventive care in the form of whole-person health guidance and routine screenings, and referrals all via phone or video. Employers can sign up with virtual primary care to provide care for their employees and their family members for ease of access, affordability, and reduced exposure. Here’s how virtual primary care treats the three main components of primary care:
How Employers Can Utilize Virtual Primary Care Companies
Employers can contract directly with a virtual primary care company to provide care for their employee health plan members. The virtual primary care company can act as a middle layer of care between the plan population and the major medical plan itself. Plan members will still need major medical insurance for emergencies, hospitalizations, labor & delivery, surgery and specialist care. However, the virtual primary care layer can be offered to employees at little or no out-of-pocket cost to plan members, making it easy and zero cost to catch and treat medical problems early, therefore preventing the need for many hospitalizations, surgery and specialist care.
Virtual primary care companies offer employers a strategy to prevent the high-cost claimants that drive 50-80% of total plan claims costs. High-cost claimants frequently fall into the diagnostic categories of musculoskeletal, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Virtual primary care companies can address bio-psycho-social determinants of musculoskeletal pain and prevent often unneeded and unsuccessful surgeries. Virtual primary care companies can identify and treat the silent diseases of diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol that are the underlying cause of catastrophic cardiovascular events such as heart attacks. Finally, virtual primary care companies can catch cancer sooner through adherence to screening guidelines so cancers can be removed early before they spread.
Virtual primary care is an innovative population health strategy for employers and their employee health plan members. They can reduce disease and suffering, improve care and lower healthcare costs. Virtual primary care companies offer a solution whose time has come.