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Your healthy bucket list.

Written by First Stop Health Coaches | Sep 24, 2024 3:10:07 PM

A bucket list is a list of achievements or experiences you wish to accomplish or do within your lifetime. Creating your own bucket list can be a fun way to live the quality of life you always desired while also meeting your health and wellbeing goals.

Because bucket lists are literally a list of things you want to make happen in your lifetime, they serve as great reminders of who you are. They’re also a dash of accountability to overcome obstacles that may be in the way of reaching your personal goals.

The nice thing about a bucket list is that it can be adjusted as needed based on your needs and abilities. Let’s explore how to develop a well-rounded bucket list based on these five pillars of health.



Many of us have similar goals of maintaining regular physical activity. But with a bucket list we get to think outside the box a little. A great addition to your bucket list is trying to complete your first ever 5k or even a half-marathon.

Your bucket list should include things you wouldn’t normally do during your daily or weekly fitness routine. So, perhaps throw in some adventurous physical activities like going zip-lining through the Blue Ridge mountains or paddle boarding on open ocean water. No matter what your personal physical fitness goals might be, make it more exciting with your bucket list.



Your brain is the most powerful organ in the body. It controls your muscles, organs and bodily functions. Your bucket list should encourage healthy mental activity and upkeep. Think of challenging yourself by joining a life-long learning program where you can attend different classes that stimulate different parts of your brain. Add to your bucket list attending a class that you would not normally do like art, cooking, history, science, math or writing.

You can also try learning special techniques that require you to truly harness and focus your brain power. Perhaps you can include attending a mindfulness seminar at the beach over the weekend or going to practice yoga for three months with the Tibetan Monks. If you’re looking for a simpler bucket list item to check off, join a book club that will urge you to read and learn about various topics.

No matter the task, make sure at least one of your bucket list items encourages mental stimulation.



As humans, we are hard-wired to seek social interaction. Some, perhaps more than others. Nonetheless, there is much science related to the link between social interaction and overall happiness and life fulfillment. With a typical inner circle of co-workers, family and close friends, it’s important to branch out into other social circles. So, when writing your bucket list, try including attending a social meeting with a group of people that you don’t normally get to spend time with.

Join a special interest club, go to a concert where you can make new friends or search and join a meet-up group in your area. Socializing with people while also taking part in a similar interest will not only benefit your social need but will equally benefit them.



Financial stability and health remains a top priority in most of our lives so don’t leave it off the bucket list. Your list must include successes that you can afford and even ones that you might see are further out of reach. Begin with small ideas like saving $200 a month for a trip to the Bahamas next summer, then add bigger things like putting money toward a future investment toward your child’s education.

If you see time passing, and your bucket list item suffering along with it, add something else to the list. Consider writing down the idea of meeting with a financial consultant or setting goals with your health coach to make sure your financial goals and bucket list items are sure to be checked.



Many of us have a walk of faith that we typically stick with, but sometimes it can begin to feel stagnant. Faith and spirituality are what connects us to something greater than human nature. No matter your personal beliefs or religion, your bucket list should encourage spiritual growth.

Try attending a study group or simply recharge your own beliefs by going solo for a while so you can regain a fresh perspective. Equally important to your own personal spirituality is the respect and knowledge of others’ way of life.

Consider reading various religious books to better understand different cultural beliefs. You can further challenge yourself by going on a pilgrimage, visit the 50 holiest cities, or write a book on your own spiritual walk.


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