Your “YOU Year” words of encouragement.

September 20, 2024

First Stop Health Coaches

This is your year! What will you do with it? You have the same amount of time as anyone else in the world. The only difference is what you’ll do with your days and hours. After all, they are yours to use any way that you want to! Isn’t that awesome? How will you use your free will today?

Our choices matter. They affect our physical, mental, and emotional strength. At the end of the year, our choices add up to living strong, healthy, and smart. How we think, live, move, and build up or tear down our dreams adds up. Anyone can make New Year’s resolutions, but it takes a well-devised plan to stick to them once the excitement of the list-making and proclamation-making wears off. But this year is different! This year is your YOU Year!


Consider these questions and even pause long enough to answer them.
  1. If YOU had to sum up last year in one word, what would that word be?
  2. Where did YOU make some traction in your goals for your healthier life that you would like to continue working on in this YOU Year?
  3. What have you learned about YOURSELF already this year?
  4. What have YOU achieved or made progress on already this year that you can celebrate?
  5. In what circumstance have YOU really shined in a way that made YOU most proud of YOURSELF?
  6. Who can help YOU with this? If this is a DIY project, how do YOU plan to move on it?
  7. What are YOU willing to “let go” of that is not, or has not served YOU well in the past?
  8. How/where do you see peace showing up in your life in the YOU year?

Your YOU year words of encouragement.

Asking yourself these powerful questions is only the first step to your happier, healthier year. Carve out some free time daily (i.e. turn off your phone), sit up straight, stretch, get some fresh air, read a chapter in a good book, take a break, restart or start a hobby, help someone in need, make a healthy homemade meal and reach out to your First Stop Health coach.

What are your goals and plans to achieve them? How can we help?  We’d love to hear from you!


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First Stop Health providers are here to care for you! You can schedule a visit with our primary care providers, certified diabetes educators and registered dietitians to talk about your health concerns. All our visits are virtual, so you can get care from where you're most comfortable! 

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Originally published Sep 20, 2024 2:28:58 PM.