For Employer & Benefits Consultants

Resource Center

First Stop Health's resource center for businesses. Here you'll find tearsheets, ebooks, and case studies for our Primary Care, Urgent Care, Specialist Care, and Mental Health Care. 

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Primary Care Referrals & Care Coordination

The First Stop Health (FSH) referral and care coordination process researches in-network doctors who best fit the patient’s needs.

Member Journey: Removing Language Barriers

First Stop Health will bring on interpreters to virtual visits to remove any language barriers to ensure the best communication between patient and doctor.

Financial Benefits of Primary Care

From guaranteed utilization and no claims to treating costly chronic disease and early prevention, there are many financial benefits of Primary Care.

How Primary Care Supports Mental Health

Primary Care supports medication therapy in many mental health situations while Mental Health provides therapy and coaching to lead to better whole-person health guidance.

Case Study: Metals Manufacturing Client

This client chose First Stop Health to help their employees and their families with healthcare and time savings.

First Stop Health Solutions Overview

From performance guarantees to custom employee engagement, our solutions go above and beyond for employers and employees.

Business Guide to Primary Care

First Stop Health's Virtual Primary Care is comprised of urgent, chronic and preventive care for high-quality, convenient whole-person health guidance.

First Stop Health vs. Other Providers

Holistic, patient-centered Primary Care focuses on treating the whole person, addressing not only physical health but also emotional, social, and mental well-being.

Primary Care Overview

First Stop Health Virtual Primary Care provides convenient, fast and affordable access to high-quality healthcare for members.

Business Guide to Mental Health Solutions

It's time for employers to invest in mental health support for their workforce, but where do you start?

First Stop Health Mental Health vs. EAPs

While EAPs typically include a mental healthcare or counseling component, employers and their employees don’t see the benefits they would expect. Or the ROI.

Mental Health Overview

Easy access to health and wellbeing services employees need — all at no cost to them and their dependents.

Urgent Care Overview

Convenient access to care, year-long employee engagement, high utilization and guaranteed savings.

Virtual Care Results by Industry

First Stop Health is different and continues to deliver for employers and their employees. Learn how we made a real difference across 20 industries by downloading the Industry Case Study.

Business Guide to Urgent Care

A solution that drives employee engagement and gets employees healthier, faster.